Kylt® IBDV Screening
Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (Gumboro) Screening

The Kylt® IBDV Screening Real-Time RT-PCR detection kit has been developed and validated for the detection of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV), the causative agent of Gumboro disease.

Tissues and organs (e.g. Bursa of Fabricii, spleen, lymphoid tissue), swab samples of the aforementioned tissues and organs and samples from cultural processes with the aforementioned sample material are suitable for analysis.

The Real-Time RT-PCR Detection Kit contains all primers, probes and controls for the detection of IBDV.

PCR في الوقت الحقيقي
تمييز المسبب المرضي, سيطره داخليه المنشأ
انسجه, مسحات, سوائل الجسم, مواد زرع بكتيري
مجمد (≤ -18 درجة مئوية)
الملف الشخصي 1
رقم المقالهنوعبحجموحدة
Kylt® IBDV genogroup A1 (classical) Kylt® IBDV genogroup A3 (very virulent) Kylt® IBDV genogroup A7 (early Australian) Kylt® RNA / DNA Purification Kylt® Purifier 48